Insulation Grants in the UK for 2023: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking to improve the energy efficiency of your home in 2023? One of the most effective ways to do this is by adding insulation, which can help reduce your heating and cooling costs and make your home more comfortable. If you’re in the UK, you may be eligible for a grant to help pay for insulation, and this guide will help you understand all the options available to you.

The ECO Scheme

The ECO (Energy Company Obligation) scheme is a government-backed initiative that requires energy companies to help households in the UK improve their energy efficiency. As part of the scheme, you may be able to get a grant to cover the cost of insulation and other energy-saving measures. The grant is available to homeowners, landlords, and some social housing tenants, and can be used to insulate solid walls, cavity walls, lofts, and flat roofs.

To be eligible for the ECO scheme, you must own or rent a home in the UK, and you must be in receipt of certain benefits, such as the state pension credit, income support, or disability living allowance. You can find a full list of eligible benefits on the website. If you’re not sure if you’re eligible, you can contact your energy supplier or a home energy advice service for more information.

How to apply for the ECO scheme

To apply for the ECO scheme, you’ll need to contact your energy supplier. They’ll ask you some questions to determine whether you’re eligible, and if you are, they’ll arrange for a home energy assessment to be carried out. The assessment will identify any energy-saving measures that you could benefit from, and your energy supplier will provide you with a quote for the work. If you decide to go ahead, your energy supplier will arrange for the work to be carried out by an approved contractor. The grant will be paid directly to the contractor, so you won’t have to pay anything upfront.

The Green Homes Grant

The Green Homes Grant is a government initiative aimed at helping homeowners in the UK improve the energy efficiency of their homes. As part of the scheme, you may be able to get a grant of up to £5,000 (or up to £10,000 if you’re on a low income) to cover the cost of insulation and other energy-saving measures. The grant is available to homeowners, landlords, and some social housing tenants, and can be used to insulate solid walls, cavity walls, lofts, and flat roofs.

To be eligible for the Green Homes Grant, you must own or rent a home in England, and your property must have an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of D or lower. You can check your EPC rating on the website. The grant is available on a first-come, first-served basis, so it’s important to apply as soon as possible to secure your funding.

How to apply for the Green Homes Grant

To apply for the Green Homes Grant, you’ll need to find a local, accredited contractor to carry out the work. You can search for accredited contractors on the website. Once you’ve found a suitable contractor, you can apply for the grant through their website. You’ll need to provide your contact details, the details of the work you want to have done, and your EPC rating. You’ll also need to provide your bank details, as the grant will be paid directly into your account.

Other insulation grants in the UK

In addition to the Green Homes Grant and the ECO scheme, there are a number of other grants available to help you pay for insulation in the UK. Some of the most popular options include:

  • The Affordable Warmth Scheme: This scheme is run by the government and is aimed at helping low-income households in the UK improve the energy efficiency of their homes. As part of the scheme, you may be able to get a grant to cover the cost of insulation and other energy-saving measures. To be eligible, you must be in receipt of certain benefits and live in a property with an EPC rating of E, F, or G. You can find out more about the scheme on the website.
  • The Warm Home Discount Scheme: This scheme is run by energy companies and is aimed at helping low-income households in the UK pay their energy bills. As part of the scheme, you may be able to get a discount on your energy bills or a grant to cover the cost of insulation and other energy-saving measures. To be eligible, you must be in receipt of certain benefits and live in a property with an EPC rating of E, F, or G. You can find out more about the scheme on the website.
  • The Home Heating Cost Reduction Obligation: This scheme is run by energy companies and is aimed at helping low-income households in the UK reduce their heating costs. As part of the scheme, you may be able to get a grant to cover the cost of insulation and other energy-saving measures. To be eligible, you must be in receipt of certain benefits and live in a property with an EPC rating of E, F, or G. You can find out more about the scheme on the website.


If you’re looking to improve the energy efficiency of your home in the UK in 2023, there are several grants and schemes available that can help you pay for insulation and other energy-saving measures. The Green Homes Grant and the ECO scheme are two of the most widely available options, but there are also several other grants available, depending on your circumstances and the type of property you live in. By taking advantage of these grants, you can make your home more comfortable and energy-efficient, while also saving money on your energy bills in the long run.

If you’re interested in applying for an insulation grant in the UK, we recommend starting by checking your eligibility for the Green Homes Grant and the ECO scheme. You can do this by visiting the website or contacting your energy supplier. If you’re not eligible for these schemes, you may still be able to get funding through one of the other grants listed above, or through a local authority or housing association. Whatever your circumstances, there are likely to be options available to help you pay for insulation and other energy-saving measures, so it’s worth doing your research and exploring all the available options.

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