Explore our policies outlining our expectations and service standards.

At GRM & Partners, we put our customers and the environment at the heart of our business. If you would like to read more about our policies, please visit the links below.
• Equal Opportunities Policy Statement
GRM and partners is commited encouraging diversity and eliminating discrimination in both its role as an employer and as a provider of services
Our aim is that our staff and volunteers are truly representative of all sections of society and work in an environment where everyone is respected and able to perform to the best of their ability
Our policy is to provide equality and fairness for all in our employment and in our provision of services and not to discriminate on the grounds of gender, marital status, race, ethnic, origin, colour, nationality, national origin, disability, sexual •orientation, religion or age.
GRM and partners opposes all forms of unlawful and unfair discrimination. It is our policy to provide a suitable environment for people with disabilities to perform their roles without difficulty or disadvantage.
• Safeguarding Policy
General Principles
This policy sets out the values and principles that underpin all work with vulnerable adults and children and gives procedures and guidelines for all staff and partners working for and with GRM and partners.
All staff must ensure that policy and procedures is applied.
Definitions of abuse
1. Abuse is a violation of an individual’s human and civil rights by any other person or persons
It may involve
‘a single or repeated act, or omission occuring wihtin a personal or closed relationship where there is an
expectation of trust, which causes harm or distress to a person’
(No secrets – Department of Health 2000)
b. Abusers can be anyone who knowingly or unknowingly inflicts harm or another person, however the following
are in postions of trust and have access to people who are vulnerable :
1. Health, social support or other professional visitor
2. Staff or management
3. Volunteers
4. service user
5. Friend, family member or other social visitor
c. A resident is any person residing in the area which GRM and partners, whether their tenure is
owner-occupier, private rental, supported, general needs, sheltered or other other housing.
d. Significant Harm or ill treatment (including sexual abuse and forms of ill-treatment that are not physical) The
impairment of, or an avoidable deterioration in, physical or mental health, and the impairment of physical,
emotional, social or behavioural development (Law Commission 1995). (Protection of Vulnerable Adults
(Safeguarding adults) Policy & Procedure
(Feb 2008) Final )
e. A vulnerable adult refers to any person aged 18 years or over who is or may be in need of community care
services by reason of mental, physical or learning disability, age or illness and who is or may be unable to take
care of himself or herself, or unable to protect himself or herself against significant harm or serious exploitation
which may be occasioned by actions or inactions of other people.
• Environmental Policy Statement
Our Commitments
GRM and partners provides a range of professional services to clients in both the public and private sectors. Our
services are designed to help manage rising energy bills though energy efficiency initiatives. We offer clients bespoke delivery solutions including consultancy, project management, design, technical support, surveying, installation and regulatory compliance services.
As an organisation we recognise our responsilities to the environment and are fully committed to continually
reviewing and reducing our impact on the environment.
The organisation’s arrangements for environmental management are to ensure compliance with both legislative
and stakeholder requirements and for continual sustainable improvement which will be achieved by:
• Documenting and communicating the latest applicable environmental legislation Identification and
communication of environmental aspects and any potential impacts to air, land and water.
• Ensuring environmental objectives meet best practise
• Provision of training to all employees on environmental awareness to enable procedures and processes to be
• Demonstrating senior management commitment to the environmental policy to enable a positive continually
improving environmental culture to develop.
• Suitable selection, management, control and continual improvement of our personnel, materials and activities
and utilisation of equipment and resources.
• Identification of our waste streams – eliminating, reusing or recycling where possible.
• Efficient use of energy and water resources within our business, especially travel.
The organisation will review its environmental performance through senior management review meetings.
• Data Protection policy
1. The data protection act
We are committed to ensuring that we legally comply with the data protection principles, as laid down by the
general Data protection Regulation (‘‘GDPR’’) and any implementing legislation under UK law, by:
• Ensuring that data is collected and used fairly and lawfully, with one or more lawful basis of processing.
• Processing personal data only in order to meet our operational needs or fulfil legal requirements.
• Taking steps to ensure that personal data is up to date and accurate.
• Establising appropriate retention periods for personal data.
• Ensuring that data subjects are informed as to how use their data, the rights they have in relation to that data
and how to exercise those rights.
• Ensuring that data subjects’ rights can be appropriately exercised when this is requested.
• Providing adequate security measures to protect personal data.
• Providing that appropriate technological and organisational measures are used to protect personal data.
• Ensuring that a nominated officer is responsilble for data protection compliance and provides a point of contact
for all data protection issues.
• Ensuring that all staff are made aware of good practice in data protection.
• Providing adequate training for all staff respponsible for personal data.
• Ensuring that everyonw handling personal data knows where to find further guidance.
• Ensuring that queries about data protection, internal and external to the organisation, is dealt with effectively
and promptly.
• Regularly reviewing data protection procedures and guidelines within the organisation.
2. Our data protection principles
The principles we apply to meet our commitments to these data protection principles are :
1. Personal data will be processed fairly, lawfully and transparently
2. Personal data will be obtained for one or more specified and lawful basis of processing, and will not be further processed in any manner incompatible with that purpose or those purposes.
3. Personal data will be adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to the propose or purposes for which
they are processed.
4. Personal data will be adequate and kept up to date.
5. Personal data processed for any purpose or purposes will not bt kept for longer than is necessary for that
purpose or those purposes.
6. Personal data processed in accordance with the rights of data subjects under the GDPR.
7. Appropriate technical and organisational measures will be taken against unauthorised and unlawful processing
of personal data and aginst accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to personal dara.
3. Staff Obligations
As part of our commitment to our data protection principles, all staff are provided with a copy of this policy and
receive adequate data protection training. All new staff are issued with the following reminder of the importance
of data protection.
• Customer complaints policy
Our Commitments
We are committed to listening to our customers’ comments and complaints regarding our services and facilities
with the aim of resolving any issues as well as improving the quality of our service. We will show this commitment by ensuring our complaints process is:
• Easy to access and undeestand, clear and simple to use
• Responsive to the reasonable needs of complainants
• Prompt, with established time limits for action, and keeping people informed of progress, especially when investigations take longer than expected.
• Fair, with an opportunity for a full and impartial investigation
• Proportionate to the matters complained about informative, by using lessons learnt from complaints to improve
services and by reviewing the results of such changes.
• Reviewed by the customer service director and chief executive officer on an annual basis
When we respond to complaints, customers can expect us to :
• Take their concerns seriously
• Provide the name of the member of staff responsible for dealing with the complaint at each stage of the
• Be factually correct
• Deal with their complaint promplty
• Answer all their points of concern
• Be flexible in the way that we communicate with our customers provide reasons for the decision reached on a
• Explain the next steps available if the customer is still dissatisfied and provide contact details (address, telephone and email)
Our complaints process will be :
• Frank, open and impartial, avoiding any bias in favour of any party
• Thorough, finding out the relevant facts, taking views from people involved on both the sides of the complaint
and verifying explanations where possible.
• Equitable, treating people in similar circumstances in similar ways
• Non – discriminatory, those who make a complaint can be assured that they will not be subjected to
discrimination or retaliation as a result of complaining.
What is a complaint?
A complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction with our service, no matter how expressed and whether justified
or not, that requires a response or further action on the part of our company.
How can our customers comment/complain?
We welcome views on our service and will respond to comments and complaints, however presented, whether
in person, in writing, by telephone or email
TEL : 02035407528
EMAIL : admin@grmandpartners.com
ADDRESS : 48 Lancaster Gate, London W2 3NA, United Kingdom
• Health and Safety Policy Statement
GRM and partners provides a range of professional services to clients in both the public and private sectors.
Our services are designed to help manage rising energy bills though energy efficiency initiatives. We offer clients
bespoke delivery solutions including consultancy, project, management, design, technical support, surverying,
installation and regulatory compliance services.
We are committed to protecting the environment, and protec ting the health, safety and welfare of our employees, contractors, customers and others affected by what we do and don’t do.
All employees are required to be proactive and familiarise themselves with the health and safety policy and
processes. Acceptance of and adherence to the company’s HS&E policy forms part of the
Contract of Employment. Support for GRM and partners HS&E policy and systems will be achived through a
companywide focus on HS&E issues with equal priority to our core activities.
The organisation arrang•ements for H&S management are to ensure compliance with legislative and stakeholder
requirements as well as continual sustainable improvement which will be achived by :
• Maintaining high HS&E standards. If we cannot eliminate significant risks, we will reduce as far is possible or
control them. We will do this by following legal requirements and recognised standards of good practise.
• Consulting employees, constractors, providing training and encouraging them to accept responsiibility to work
safely and behave in an environmentally responsible way
• Using HS&E professionals to advise us on best practice
• Taking responsibility for the effect our activities have on the environment. We will help customers to make informed decisions on using products and services.
• Working to set and continually review HS&E standards to help meet demanding targets.
• Making sure all contractors working with us meet acceptable HS&E standards
Regularly reviewing this policy. The policy will be annually reviewed and updated by the managing director.
The organisations objective and vision is to reduce its potential HS&E implications to its employees, customers and
others through adopting best practice principles and practises.
• Quality Policy Statement
GRM and partners provides a range of professional ser provides a range of professional services to clients in
both the public and private sectors. Our services are arsigned to nep manage rising energy bills though
energy efficiency initiatives. We offer clients bespoke delivery solutions including consultancy, project
management, design, technical support, surveying, installation and regulatory compliance services.
Management of quality will be the responsibility of every employee irrespective of position. Support for the
organisation’s quality policy, objectives and systems will be achieved through a companywide focus on quality
issues with equal priority to our other core activities.
The organisation’s arrangements for quality management are to ensure compliance with best practice and stakeholder requirements as well as continual sustainable improvement which will be achieved through:
• The establishment of quality objectives and targets
• The implementation of relevant documentation and records to achieve, maintain and continually improve our
management systems
• Suitable selection, management and development of our employees
• Providing employees with the necessary competence to carry out their tasks and proactively contribute to the
achievement of our objectives and the development of a quality culture
• Provision and maintenance of an infrastructure appropriate to the requirements
of the organisation
• Ensuring all customer deliverables are high quality through senior management review
• The organisation will monitor the effectiveness and compliance to the requirements of its management systems
by continually reviewing key processes and obtaining feedback from customers.